Making a brighter future

Zohar 12k is a humanitarian project which aims to donate 12,000 copies of the Zohar Pritzker Edition (Volume 1) to people and academic institutions all over the United States of America. If you scanned a QR Code to get here you're one of them. Be sure to pay it forward by gifting others a copy should you have the means to do so. If you'd like an "intro" to the Zohar, the lecture video below by Daniel C Matt is worth a watch.

10 / 12,000 Zohars Donated

Zohar 12k is an independent project. As such it shares no affiliation either express or implied with Daniel C Matt or the Pritzker family. The only thing we do share is a common thread of hope for a better tommorow through the light of the Sefer Ha Zohar

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